
Hydro Protocol has allocated 10% of HDRO Tokenomics to a yield optimization product for liquid assets. By leveraging this product, users can find immediate utility for their hINJ, especially in the early days of the Farm under the Early Access Farming strategy as outlined below.

How does it work?

Similar to regular vanilla staking, you can deposit your hINJ to the farming pool to receive staking rewards in HDRO assets.

For example, if you have 10 INJ, you can mint your 10hINJ and then add those 10hINJ into the farm for an additional HDRO incentive. So now you’re getting the 16% APY you would have gotten through staking INJ, and an additional boost of HDRO for farming on the Farm.

The Specifics of Reward Distribution on Farm

The Farming rewards are distributed at a standardized 00:00AM UTC, and calculated according to share ratio. Rewards are claimable after 14-days (ie. Day 1’s rewards are claimable on D+15, Day 2’s rewards are claimable on D+16 etc.)

Users can undelegate from the Farm at any given time. All rewards that the user has been entitled to will be claimable on the T+14th day.

So, these boosted rewards sound too good to be true? It gets better.

The Farm+Boost

The Farming has an additional feature called the Farm+Boost. It works similarly to the Farm, but the “+Boost” is an added combination of staking with xHDRO (the single asset staking for HDRO). Essentially, users can now lock their HDRO tokens (even those that are given in rewards) to even further amplify their HDRO rewards.

In the above example, you turned your 10 INJ to hINJ, farmed the hINJ to get HDRO rewards. You can now lock these for an additional boost.

The Specifics of Reward Distribution on Farm+Boost

Similarly to the “vanilla” farming, rewards are distributed at a standardized 00:00AM UTC, and calculated according to share ratio. Rewards are claimable after 14-days (ie. Day 1’s rewards are claimable on D+15, Day 2’s rewards are claimable on D+16 etc.)

However, if there is a decrease in the “+Boost” amount (so the xHDRO component), the entirety of the boost will be forfeited (the unacclaimed rewards remain).

Amplify your rewards:

As designed as part of the Tokenomics of Hydro Protocol, a portion of HDRO tokens will be allocated to incentivise users to utilise the protocol's services, thereby enhancing the amount of rewards/yield available for participants. To recap: liquid staking is in INJ, farming is in hINJ and yield boosting is in HDRO.

The Benefits of Farming with Hydro:

  • Immediate utility of your hINJ

  • Additional amplified rewards

  • Boosted awards with the E.A.F

Last updated